
How to Participate in the Long-Range Facility Plan Survey

The °ÄÃÅÌØÂí×ÊÁÏ is preparing a new Long-Range Facility Plan. We’re seeking feedback from families, students, staff and the wider community in Burnaby, as plans are developed for new and existing school buildings to accommodate projected population increases and more.

The District is broken into four educational zones. Each has its own unique challenges and potential solutions. Families, secondary students and school staff have received a direct email from the school on January 24 or 25 sharing the link to the survey for their zone, as well as a reminder email sent from your principal on February 22.

Anyone who is looking to provide district-wide feedback beyond their thoughts on a specific zone is encouraged to complete the survey by clicking .

What you share is anonymous.

The opportunity to provide input will be open until end of day on February 28.

Learn more about the engagement process and how a Long-Range Facility Plan will influence the shape of things to come by clicking here.



Updated February 22, 2023