Learning Pathways

°ÄÃÅÌØÂí×ÊÁÏ provides learning pathways for secondary students who have disengaged from school for a wide range of reasons and require learning support that is better suited to their unique situation. To inquire about these district programs please contact your school administrator and/or counselor.

Bridge South (Burnaby South)

for students in grade 7 & 9 who may have difficulty transitioning to secondary school. This  program provides a safe and supportive environment of classroom instruction and learning opportunities to integrate students back into a typical classroom setting.

Bridge North (Burnaby North)

for students in grade 7 & 9 who may have difficulty transitioning to secondary school. This  program provides a safe and supportive environment of classroom instruction and learning opportunities to integrate students back into a typical classroom setting.

Outlook Program (near Gilmore Skytrain)

for students who have not been successful in school for a variety of reasons. This program provides intensive wrap around support and focuses not only on academics but also on social-emotional learning. It is a partnership with Saint Leonard’s Society.

Royal Oak Alternate Program (Canada Way Education Centre)

for students in grades 10-12 who may not have been successful in school. This program provides support academically and otherwise, allowing students to experience success.

Take a Hike Program (Canada Way Education Centre)

for students in grades 10-12 who may be struggling to engage and attend school. This program offers a unique combination of adventure-based learning, academics, therapy, and community involvement. It is a partnership with Take A Hike At-Risk Youth Foundation .

Students who are best suited for the Take a Hike program often struggle with issues that have inhibited their success in school. This program guides students through outdoor day trips and multi-day expeditions, using activities designed to develop self-directed goals, trust, communication, teamwork and problem-solving skills in a safe, supportive environment. Youth are empowered to create a positive path with positive outcomes,  to blaze their own trail, a trail that is right for them, that empowers them, and creates survival skills for life.

The ultimate goal of the Take a Hike program is that barriers to learning are minimized, personal issues are addressed, and students achieve a greater level of social and academic success. For more information contact the District directly at 604-296-6900 or visit

Young Parent Program (Burnaby South)

for secondary students who are parents, this program provides an opportunity for students to learn parenting skills and work towards high school completion as their child is cared for at the school’s childcare facility.

Youth Hub (on Imperial Street)

for secondary students who have disengaged or withdrawn from school, this program provides wrap around support to help students be successful in their academics, socially and emotionally. It is a partnership with the Purpose Society,